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The Synagogue has three levels. Please come in.
The lower level Bais Midrash is used for weekday prayer and classes. The second and third levels are the main sanctuary used on Shabbos and Holidays. Let us begin with the Aron Kodesh, the Ark. This two story masterpiece was saved from the Bialystoker region of Europe and brought to our synagogue in the early part of the century. It is made of wood and coated with gold leaf. The lions are shedding a tear, symbolizing that we are still in exile and await the rebuilding of the Temple with the coming of Moshiach.
The golden hands are the proper position of the Kohanim's (priests') fingers when they bless the congregation. They are holding the symbolic crown of the Torah. The ten blessings, five on each side of the hands, are those given by the Kohanim on Jewish festivals (Sukkot, Passover and Shavout) The eagle supporting the crown of the Torah represents the day that we will all be carried on the wings of eagles to Israel. The Ner Tamid, the eternal light, never goes out. This lantern remains lit 24 hours a day, symbolizing that Torah never stops. In front of the Ark are two candle sticks also painted with gold leaf representing the candles lit each week for Shabbos.
The ceiling paintings include: The twelve zodiac signs of the months of the year;
Four crowns - the Crowns of Torah, Priesthood, Royalty and a Good Name;
The Jordan River and Kever Rochel; The center ceiling represents the clear sky of Israel. The
represent the freedom of
as opposed to the entrance mural depicting a Roman soldier standing guard over the Jews of Bavel and forbidding music to be played. Note the instruments tied on the tree. The side walls depict the Jew praying at the Kotel Hamaaravi, the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and on the opposite side is a picture of an entrance to the old city of Jerusalem, today called David's Castle. On the same wall is a mural of the Bais Hamikdash, the Holy Temple
and on the opposite side is a picture depicting the Mount of Olives. The Torah commands us to give charity every day. The Torah also
commands us not to speak during
prayer services. Additional pictures are available on Jono David's website and there is a short online movie available from Monumental Adventure. © Copyright 2001-2005. All rights reserved, no part may be copied or used without express written permission. |